Saturday, November 7, 2009

Bring and Buy sale in aid of the Playground

The playground committee are organising a "Bring & Buy" sale in the community centre in Rathgormack on the 6th December 2009, from 2-6pm.
The event is to raise funds for the new playground which the committee hope to have up and running for spring/summer of next year.
If people can organise to put together a black sack of old toys, books, or any other items which they no longer want, but that someone else might. A date and time will be organised to bring these sacks to the community centre where they can be sorted and organised for the sale.
There will be cakes and buns etc for sale on the day, (if they wish people are welcome to bring these along on the day also)
Also on the day there will be an auction of Christmas cakes, hampers, timber and other items and we would encourage as many people as possible to come along and support the sale on the day.
For more details contact Barbara Greene 051-646349