Badminton 051-646332
Basket Ball 051-646923
Cards - last thursday of month 051-646115
C.C.E. Comhaltas Branch - music lessons 051-646281
Dance Aerobics Gael Bourke 086-3745018
Comeragh Ramblers walking Club 087-2927077
Danzerama 051-641315
Irish Dancing 051-877016
Junior Set Dancing 051-646281
Juvenile Indoor Hurling 086-2215401 or 087-2472007
Karate 087-6379476
Ladies Soccer 051-646364
Mulcahy Bible School of Dancing 051-877016
Toddler Time 086-8180400
T.D. Clinic 051-646969
Wall Climbing Adult & Children 087-2222364
Other events, Birthday parties, summer BBQ, funeral gatherings, community events, festivals and fund raising coffee mornings contact 051-646969