Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Contact List

Badminton 051-646332
Basket Ball 051-646923
Cards - last thursday of month 051-646115
C.C.E. Comhaltas Branch - music lessons 051-646281
Dance Aerobics Gael Bourke 086-3745018

Comeragh Ramblers walking Club 087-2927077
Danzerama 051-641315
Irish Dancing 051-877016
Junior Set Dancing 051-646281
Juvenile Indoor Hurling 086-2215401 or 087-2472007
Karate 087-6379476
Ladies Soccer 051-646364
Mulcahy Bible School of Dancing 051-877016
Toddler Time 086-8180400
T.D. Clinic 051-646969
Wall Climbing Adult & Children 087-2222364

Other events, Birthday parties, summer BBQ, funeral gatherings, community events, festivals and fund raising coffee mornings contact 051-646969

Cake Sale in aid of River Rescue

The cake sale planned for Sunday 4th Oct has been postponed.
It will now take place Sunday 11th Oct instead. After Mass in the community centre.
We would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused and hope you can come along and support it on the 11th Oct.

Bridget Ann

National Trails Day at Rathgormack Hiking Centre

Next Sunday 4th October is National Trails Day and Rathgormack Hiking Centre are organising a walk starting at Glenpatrick Picnic Area which is 6 km west of Rathgormack village on the R678 road. Starting time for the walk is 2.30 p.m. and all are welcome. This walk is the first Failte Ireland approved loop walk in Co. Waterford. Its an easy walk, should take about 2 hours and would suit all walkers. Further information can be got on

Catherine Flynn.

The picture left was taken along the route of the walk on the military road.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The monthly card games
Progressive 25 is held on the last Thursday month at 9.00 p.m. at the centre. This runs from late September and continues unually into April (but finishing date can vary)

Local History - Stone Depots

The parish of Rathgormack has a large collection of Stone depot "Stone depots" within it. These are small recessed areas
bounded by rubblestone walls with vertical coping located on the
roadsides around County Waterford. These depots were used for the
breaking and storage of stone for use in the construction of roads by the local landowners under the aegis of the Grand Jury. There are 47 such depots along the R676 Lemybrien to Carrickon Suir road listed on the RPS (Record of Protected Structures) and are of social and historical interest. Work on this road began in 1840 and took 5 years.
"In order to provide labour and a source of income in the area which was greatly effected by the Potato Famine of 1845-49 , some work relief schemes were started in 1846. Roads were widened and repaired, hills and hollows were levelled. A "New Line", as it is still referred to today, was cut and built as a new road between Carrick and Lemybrien." source
Photo by Francis Quigley

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ladies Soccer

Ladies soccer
(see calendar for times)

for more details please contact
Bridget Connolly
051 646364

Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann

(Check calendar for times)
We run Music Lessons tin whistle, fiddle, flute, button according and the banjo,
we also run set dancing lessons and also singing workshops.
Our branch was founded in January 2005. We operate an instrument rental scheme. Our branch is named after William Crotty, an 18th century highway robber who lived locally.
For more details contact
Marcela Hassey
051 646281


* Music Classes
* Music Sessions
* Links to other Branches


Badminton will restart after its summer break. Times are Monday at 8.30pm
for more details contact Barbara Greene 646349

Set Dancing Weekend details

Saturday 12th Sept
Set dancing workshop Saturday 2.30pm to 5.30 with Padraig & Rosin
Set dancing Saturday Night 9.30pm Tim, Joe, Ann O Riordan
Sunday 13th Sept
Set dancing workshop Sunday 10.30pm to 12.30 with John Creed
Set dancing Sunday Afternoon 3pm with Curragh Ceilie Band.

Refreshments will be served

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mulcahy Bible Dance School

Mulcahy Bible Dance School...
Dance classes will re-open on Wednesday 9th of September in Rathgormack hall (Check Calendar for times). Classes in Irish dance, ballet, tap and stage dancing...
Dance is a great form of exerice for both boys and girls, so come along and have fun.
Price - per child is €5 per class
For more details contact - 051 877016 Faith Mulcahy


Karate lessons will commence in Rathgormack community Centre on Saturday mornings (check calendar for times).
Fully qualified and local instructor Denis Hogan will accept girls and boys from primary school from age 6 upwards.
Classes are €5 weekly and places are limited.
For further details / enquires and to pre book please contact Theresa 087-6379476 after 6pm.

Danzarama Stage School

We run dance and stage class for children of a primary school age. The children take part in our stage show, which takes place twice a year.
We run two seperate classed, one for Junior and Senior infants (see calendar for times) and one for the older childern 1st class to 6th class (see calendar for times)

Fees: -50 euro from the junior class per term
-70 euro from the senior class per term

Two terms: September to Decemeber and January to March
Family concessions for familes of three or more.

For more details contact -
Committee - (086) 8714551
Cora Greene - (051) 646974,
Brigid Mitchell 051 641315