Situated in the Comeragh Mountains in the picturesque village of Rathgormack, the Rathgormack Hostel and community centre is a purpose built approved hostel with accommodation for 20 people, the hostel and hiking centre are the ideal locations for exploring the many attractions of north County Waterford and South Tipperary.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Dance Revolution with Becky Neill & Helena Cagney Hip Hop and
Breakdancing For primary school boys and girls Enrolment Friday 23rd
September in Rathgormack Community Centre - 6 to 7 p.m €50 per child
Commencing Tuesday 27th September in Rathgormack Community Centre
Thursday, September 15, 2011
National trails day
This year`s National Trails Day takes place on Sunday, October 2nd. Check out the National Trails/Coillte websites to find out about the walks in your area. Rathgormack Ramblers will host a walk on the day. We will do the Glenpatrick Bridge Loop walk. This is 8 kilometres long and will take about 2 hours. The first half of the walk is along by the banks of the Glasha river in Coolishal Wood, the second half along the Old Military Road, with fine views to Knockanaffrin Ridge or the "Seven Sisters". This is suitable for all, but children must be accompanied by an adult. The forest paths don`t suit buggies. Anyone interested please be at Rathgormack Hiking Centre at 2 p.m. Refreshments will be available back in the Centre afterwards.