Situated in the Comeragh Mountains in the picturesque village of Rathgormack, the Rathgormack Hostel and community centre is a purpose built approved hostel with accommodation for 20 people, the hostel and hiking centre are the ideal locations for exploring the many attractions of north County Waterford and South Tipperary.
Bring and Buy items (books, toys, home baking etc.) are required for a Christmas Bazarr, to be held on December 12th in aid of Rathgormack Community and Hiking Centre. Unwanted gifts would be greatly appreciated for an auction to be held on the day. Santa will also attend!! Items may be dropped onto the centre on: •Friday 10th December 3-4pm or •Saturday 12th December 11-12 am
A Tea~Coffee morning will be held this Tuesday October 19th 2010 after 9.30am mass until 12.00 in Rathgormack Community Centre to fundraise for the Rathgormack/Clonea Toddler Time, Parent & Toddler group. Toddler Time meets every Tuesday during term time at the community centre between 9.30 and 11.00am, Your support for this event is greatly appreciated so come along have a cup and a slice of something nice
Karate lessons will commence in the Rathgormack Community Centre on Saturday mornings from 11am to 12md beginning on Saturday 2nd October 2010. Fully qualified and local instructor Denis Hogan will accept girls and boys from age 6 upwards. Classes are €5 euro weekly and places are limited. For any further enquiries please contact Theresa on 087 ~ 6379476 after 6pm.
Mulcahy- Bible Dance School Dance classes for boys and glris will re-open on Wednesday 8th of Sept at 6.30pm in the Community Centre Rathgormack. Classes in Ballet, Tap ,Stage and Irish Dancing looking forward to seeing you
C.C.E Craobh Crotaigh begins its music lessons on Sept 15th. Enrolment for these will be on Sept 8th from 5pm to 6pm. Lessons available are as follows:
•Tin Whistle / flute with our new teacher Colleen Fahey on Wednesdays.
•Accordian with Esme Crowley who is returning to us following her maternity leave . These lessons are also on Wednesdays.
•Thursday evenings Violin lessons (Children & Adults )& Banjo (Adults) lessons are taught by Brendan Claney.
Cost- 65 euro (reduction avail for more than one child / instrument)
No. of weeks: 13 wks. 15 Sept to 15 Dec with a week off for Halloween mid-term -Wed 27, Thurs 28 Oct.
N.B Existing members are asked to bring along their instruments (rented from us or otherwise) to the enrolment on Wed 8.
We are hoping to organise a junior group with a variety of musical instruments in the coming year also.
Further details at a later stage. Further info: Marcella-646281, Patricia. 387787
Introduction to Heritage of the Comeraghs ,
A foundation course on promoting visitor potential of the uplands in
County Waterford Rathgormack Hiking Centre Autumn 2010
Day :- Wednesdays
Time :- 7.00 - 10.00pm
Venue :- Rathgormack Hiking Centre
Duration:- 8 weeks
Beginning :- 22nd September 2010
For further information and an application form contact the Heritage
Officer with Waterford County Council 058 22000/086 8590341
Details also available from Rathgormack Hiking Centre.
Brid Aine suggested I contact you re- a news item in your newsletter. It concerns the Introduction to the Heritage of The Comeraghs Course which will now commence on Wednesday 22nd of September rather than the originally advertised September 15th.
Bishop William Lee celebrates mass at St Cuan and St Brogan church in Clonea -Power to mark its 150th anniversary and resent renovation To view all the photos follow the link below.
Clonea/Rathgormack Community Games will take place Saturday May 22nd at 11am at Clonea GAA Pitch. There are a number of events to take part in from age Under 8 upto Under 16. Also some novelty events : potato + spoon race, Sack race, Three-legged race, Mom and Dad’s race. All the family are welcome for a fun morning out! All children must know their date of birth.
The day was a great success
Committee members have a copy of a cd with photos of the day Contact Joan Curran 086 0583301
Over 110 vechicles took part in the event which was in aid of the newly renovated church in Clonea. It raised close to €4000.
Rathgormack was also the host of the All-Ireland model helicopter comeption over the weekend, the 3DX Ireland event was hosted by Waterford Model Flying Club at their base in Ross. Some photos of it can be seen at the link below Waterford Flying Club host 3DX Compeition
Adults who might be interested in taking part in a new Drama Group in Rathgormack are asked to forward their name to the hall committee, just email your details to the address below. or
The Summer Solstice Walk, takes place on June 27th 2010. The Gap walk, takes place from the Nire to Rathgormack. Transport is provided from Rathgormack Hiking Centre to the Nire. Registration will take place at 1.30pm and bus leaves at 2pm. There will be refreshments afterwards in the hall. Registration Fee €10 individual, or €20 family Duration is 3-4hrs.
The photo right was taken on last years walk just as we came out over the gap and had the first view of Rathgormack.
Next Sunday 16th May 2010, there is a tractor run being held in aid of the newly renovated church in Clonea Power. Anyone can enter a tractor for a entry fee of €20, (It does not have to be a vintage tractor)
The tractors will meet up at 12.00 next to the hurling field in Clonea for sign in. At around 1.15 the tractors will leave Clonea head to Kellys Gates, then up to Creahan, then into Carrig Beg, out the Coolnamuck Road, and back to Rathgormack via Milvale, There is a tea break in Rathgormack at around 3.30pm until 4.30pm when they head off again down by Ross bridge back to Coolnahorna, and then back to Clonea by the Castle. a map of the full route is below. Any enquires to Margret Kirwan 051 387320
If you take photos of this event you might upload them to flickr and add the tag "clonea_tractor_run_2010" to your photo so they can easily be found.
or if you don't have a flickr account simply email photos to - put your own name in the subject line of the email Also if anyone has photos taken of the great volunteer work that was done by people on the church such as the cleaning and moving the seats etc they can email the photos to the address above also, It was great to see so many people getting involved and it would be nice to have a record of it.
There was a great turn out for the parade in Dungarvan yesterday, and Rathgormack/Clonea was well represented with the large tunrout for the Danzarama group who took time out of their last minute preperations for the upcoming show which takes place in the Hiking Centre this Friday and Satuday night. (pictured above).
There will be a table quiz in aid of Haiti, held in the community centre on 6 Feb 2010. The cost is €20/table of 4. and it starts at 8pm, all are welcome.